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About us

Our Vision, Mission and Values


Mental health concerns present in a range of different ways. Each and every life experience, situation or event has the possibility of having an impact on our wellbeing. We cannot avoid this for the most part, as life presents many uncertainties. But how we respond to those events can be more consistently positive, with a different mindset. Regardless of the challenges you’re facing, and as hard as life may feel, change is always possible.

Our team of dedicated UK and EU trained professionals have experience across a range of mental health concerns, providing evidence based treatments to ensure that the service you receive is based on research of what really helps change to happen.

We hold a strong commitment to supporting our community, through education and guidance towards schools, clinics, hospitals, government, and voluntary services. We hold this key to our values, and believe that early intervention through universal services is one of the most helpful ways of creating mental health reform, as well as identifying mental health concerns at an early stages.

We will maintain our commitment to always keep our values at our core and support every individual with the highest level of professionalism, integrity and expertise.

What is our Vision

To inspire each individual to never give up, to never believe their mental health cannot get better and to help our community to access support without feeling afraid or stigmatised.

Our core values

• Integrity
• Professionalism
• Expertise
• Honesty
• Safety
• Community
• Warmth


To join our team, please attach your CV and cover letter via this form. 

We welcome UAE and international clinicians, and a member of senior management will reply to your email promptly.
